Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lemonade Scones

A few days ago while hopping from baking blog to baking blog, I happened across a recipe for Orange Creamsicle Scones on Your HomeBased Mom. I love scones and have about a million different recipes I want to try. However, this recipe jumped to the top of the list in seconds flat! I was all out of oranges and too lazy to go to the store, so I decided to use lemons instead. Besides, lemons were on sale a while ago and I kind of went crazy =)These are some scones! They are soft and sweet and not dry at all! I only made half of the glaze and had plenty for all of the scones. I made 16 smaller scones and brought them into work (except for the ones I ate), where they were promptly devoured. SUCCESS! And don't worry, I sampled them hot from the oven, still warm and at room temperature and they are great at each temperature. Aren't you glad I did the hard work for you? I bought oranges today... guess what that means!?! Have any of you baked with Grapefruit? I am extremely intrigued by it - I must give it a go. Here's the Recipe.


  1. Awesome post. I'm drooling just looking at those pictures!

  2. I really enjoy your blog, so I gave you a Stylish Blogger Award via my blog. Congrats! PS...the scones look so tempting!


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